Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Best of Quotes

Diposkan oleh ema di 9:31 AM
Gue suka banget sama yang namanya quote-quote gak tau kenapa ya malah kalimat-kalimat tesebut bikin semangat dan ngena aja. Apalagi pas quotenya bener bener passs banget berasa "Heh!". Di twitter pun gue juga banyak banget follow twitter tentang quote gitu. Kadang sih dari quote itu malah bikin menyadari sesuatu gue salah apa enggak, apa yang gue lakuin bener apa enggak, dan masih banyak lagi. Setiap omongan orang gak sengajapun bisa jadi quote yang Oke banget, di film juga sama.

Nah, ini beberapa quote yang menjadi favorit gue;

"#AkuInginMenjadi seseorang yg mampu membuat Ayah dan Ibuku tersenyum bangga karena keberhasilanku. #pepatah"

"The past is only history, the future is only a prediction. Your opportunity is NOW. #LargerThanWords"

"#tragediesofboyslife Good looking girls are not good girls. #DamnItsTrue"

"We always say we don't care about others' opinion, but sometimes every opinion they say, true or not, creates a little impact in our lives."

"There's a 99% chance that you're awesome. Act like it."

"Worry about your character, not your reputation. Because your character is who you are, but your reputation is what people think you are."

"We always say we don't care about others' opinion, but sometimes every opinion they say, true or not, creates a little impact in our lives."

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